(too old to reply)
Laura Abbott
2016-09-16 15:16:56 UTC

Fedora received a bug report[1] after pushing 4.7.2 that named
was segfaulting with named-chroot. With some help (thank you
tibbs!), it was noted that on older kernels named was spitting

mmap: named (671): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 23068672.
Will be forbidden soon.

and with f4fcd55841fc ("mm: enable RLIMIT_DATA by default with
workaround for valgrind") it now spits out

mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.

Apparently the segfault goes away when dropping datasize=size.
I haven't looked into the named code yet but what I'm
suspecting is named is not setting its limits correctly and
then corrupting itself. This may have existed for much longer
but the rlimit is only now exposing it.

I'd like to propose reverting f4fcd55841fc ("mm: enable RLIMIT_DATA
by default with workaround for valgrind") or default to setting
ignore_rlimit_data to true and spitting out a warning until
named can be fixed.


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1374917
Linus Torvalds
2016-09-16 17:47:14 UTC
Post by Laura Abbott
Fedora received a bug report[1] after pushing 4.7.2 that named
was segfaulting with named-chroot. With some help (thank you
tibbs!), it was noted that on older kernels named was spitting
mmap: named (671): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 23068672.
Will be forbidden soon.
and with f4fcd55841fc ("mm: enable RLIMIT_DATA by default with
workaround for valgrind") it now spits out
mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.
Ok, we can certainly revert, but before we do that I'd like to
understand a few more things.

For example, where the data limit came from, and how likely this is to
hit others that have a much harder time fixing it. Adding Sam
Varshavchik and Brent to the participants list...

In particular, this is clearly trivially fixable as noted by Brent in
that bugzilla entry:

'remove the "datasize 20M;" directive in named.conf'

along with the (much worse) option of "use boot option
ignore_rlimit_data" that the kernel dmesg itself suggests as an

So for example, if that "datasize 20M;" is coming from just the Fedora
named package, it would be much nicer to just get that fixed instead.
Because RLIMIT_DATA the old way was just meaningless noise.

We definitely don't want to break peoples existing setups, but as this
is *so* easy to fix in other ways (even at runtime without even
updating a kernel), and since this commit is already four months old
by now with this single bugzilla being the only report since then that
I'm aware of, my reaction is just that there are better ways to fix it
than reverting a commit that can be worked around trivially.

Laura Abbott
2016-09-16 20:12:03 UTC
Post by Linus Torvalds
Post by Laura Abbott
Fedora received a bug report[1] after pushing 4.7.2 that named
was segfaulting with named-chroot. With some help (thank you
tibbs!), it was noted that on older kernels named was spitting
mmap: named (671): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 23068672.
Will be forbidden soon.
and with f4fcd55841fc ("mm: enable RLIMIT_DATA by default with
workaround for valgrind") it now spits out
mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.
Ok, we can certainly revert, but before we do that I'd like to
understand a few more things.
For example, where the data limit came from, and how likely this is to
hit others that have a much harder time fixing it. Adding Sam
Varshavchik and Brent to the participants list...
In particular, this is clearly trivially fixable as noted by Brent in
'remove the "datasize 20M;" directive in named.conf'
along with the (much worse) option of "use boot option
ignore_rlimit_data" that the kernel dmesg itself suggests as an
So for example, if that "datasize 20M;" is coming from just the Fedora
named package, it would be much nicer to just get that fixed instead.
Because RLIMIT_DATA the old way was just meaningless noise.
As far as I can tell this isn't Fedora specific.
Post by Linus Torvalds
We definitely don't want to break peoples existing setups, but as this
is *so* easy to fix in other ways (even at runtime without even
updating a kernel), and since this commit is already four months old
by now with this single bugzilla being the only report since then that
I'm aware of, my reaction is just that there are better ways to fix it
than reverting a commit that can be worked around trivially.
I was debating the merits of a revert. My concern is that this bugzilla
just represents the people who are reporting the bug and able to
correlate it to named. The actual number of people who are seeing
problems may be higher and anyone mucking with their config
could hit this and then have to go through troubleshooting steps again.
Add a config, get a segfault is a pretty terrible experience even
by Linux standards. I'd feel better about not reverting if there
were a proposed patch for named

I would like to see RLIMIT_DATA actually do something useful so worse
case I'll figure out something to carry in Fedora and this thread
can be an FYI for people googling.
Post by Linus Torvalds
Linus Torvalds
2016-09-16 20:32:51 UTC
Post by Laura Abbott
As far as I can tell this isn't Fedora specific.
Some googling does seem to say that "datalimit 20M" and "named.conf"
ends up being some really old default that just gets endlessly copied.

So no, it's not Fedora-specific per se.

But I suspect most people with a named.conf did either

(a) get it from their distro and didn't change it and so if the
distro just updates theirs, things will automatically "just work"

(b) actually did write their own (or at least edited it), and knows
what they are doing, and have absolutely no problem removing or
updating that datalimit thing.
Post by Laura Abbott
I would like to see RLIMIT_DATA actually do something useful so worse
case I'll figure out something to carry in Fedora and this thread
can be an FYI for people googling.
Yeah, even if we only get a good hit for "named segmentation fault", I
guess that will help people a lot.

The really annoying thing seems to be that the kernel message has been
hidden too much. IOW, Sam in his bugzilla report clearly found the
system messages with

Sep 10 07:38:23 shorty systemd-coredump: Process 1651 (named) of
user 25 dumped core.

but for some reason never noticed the kernel saying (quoting Jason):

mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data

at the same time.

Ok, the kernel only says it *once*. Maybe Sam had it in his logs, but
didn't notice the initial failure (which would have had the kernel
message too), and he then looked at the logs for when he tried to

Or maybe the system logs don't have those kernel messages, which would
be a disaster.

So maybe we should just change the "pr_warn_once()" into
"pr_warn_ratelimited()", except the default rate limits for that are
wrong (we'd perhaps want something like "at most once every minute" or
similar, while the default rate limits are along the lines of "max 10
lines every 5 _seconds_").

Sam, do you end up seeing the kernel warning in your logs if you just
go back earlier in the boot?

Sam Varshavchik
2016-09-16 22:36:18 UTC
Post by Linus Torvalds
Post by Laura Abbott
As far as I can tell this isn't Fedora specific.
Some googling does seem to say that "datalimit 20M" and "named.conf"
ends up being some really old default that just gets endlessly copied.
So no, it's not Fedora-specific per se.
I'll confirm that.

It's been sitting in my named.conf for at least ten years. I don't remember
where it came from. The Google sources are very likely. I probably copied
it, from some tutorial.
Post by Linus Torvalds
But I suspect most people with a named.conf did either
(a) get it from their distro and didn't change it and so if the
distro just updates theirs, things will automatically "just work"
(b) actually did write their own (or at least edited it), and knows
what they are doing, and have absolutely no problem removing or
updating that datalimit thing.
(b) in my case. Now that the root cause is mostly known, I'll just bump it
Post by Linus Torvalds
The really annoying thing seems to be that the kernel message has been
hidden too much. IOW, Sam in his bugzilla report clearly found the
system messages with
Sep 10 07:38:23 shorty systemd-coredump: Process 1651 (named) of
user 25 dumped core.
mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data
at the same time.
Ok, the kernel only says it *once*. Maybe Sam had it in his logs, but
didn't notice the initial failure (which would have had the kernel
message too), and he then looked at the logs for when he tried to
I still have this log file. Looking over it, this is indeed what happened.
Post by Linus Torvalds
Or maybe the system logs don't have those kernel messages, which would
be a disaster.
So maybe we should just change the "pr_warn_once()" into
"pr_warn_ratelimited()", except the default rate limits for that are
wrong (we'd perhaps want something like "at most once every minute" or
similar, while the default rate limits are along the lines of "max 10
lines every 5 _seconds_").
Sam, do you end up seeing the kernel warning in your logs if you just
go back earlier in the boot?
Yes, I found it.

Sep 10 07:36:29 shorty kernel: mmap: named (1108): VmData 52588544 exceed
data ulimit 20971520. Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.

Now that I know what to search for: this appeared about 300 lines earlier in

When trying to figure out what's going on with named, searching backwards in
time, and finding the logged segault @07:38:23, IIRC I only looked as far
back until the @07:38:23 timestamp started, and did not see anything other
the apparent segfault. Before that, /var/log/messages was full of other
noise. The original named that was launched two minutes earlier was ancient
history, by then.

All I saw was that named was apparently segfaulting after booting a new
kernel. Ok, boot back to the previous kernel, search bugzilla to see if it
was reported already, and, if not, create it yourself. That's what happened.
Linus Torvalds
2016-09-16 23:59:30 UTC
Post by Sam Varshavchik
Post by Linus Torvalds
Sam, do you end up seeing the kernel warning in your logs if you just
go back earlier in the boot?
Yes, I found it.
Sep 10 07:36:29 shorty kernel: mmap: named (1108): VmData 52588544 exceed
data ulimit 20971520. Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.
Now that I know what to search for: this appeared about 300 lines earlier in
Ok, so that's a pretty strong argument that we shouldn't just warn once.

Maybe the warning happened at bootup, and it is now three months
later, and somebody notices that something doesn't work. It might not
be *critical* (three months without working implies it isn't), but it
sure is silly for the kernel to say "yeah, I already warned you, I'm
not going to tell you why it's not working any more".

So it sounds like if the kernel had just had a that warning be
rate-limited instead of happening only once, there would never have
been any confusion about the RLIMIT_DATA change.

Doing a grep for "pr_warn_once()", I get the feeling that we could
just change the definition of "once" to be "at most once per minute"
and everybody would be happy.

Maybe we could change all the "pr_xyz_once()" to consider "once" to be
a softer "at most once per minute" thing. After all, these things are
*supposed* to be very uncommon to begin with, but when they do happen
we do want the user to be aware of them.

Here's a totally untested patch. What do people say?

Linus Torvalds
2016-09-17 00:05:11 UTC
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Linus Torvalds
Post by Linus Torvalds
Here's a totally untested patch. What do people say?
Heh. It looks like "pr_xyz_once()" is used in places that haven't
included "ratelimit.h", so this doesn't actually build for everything.

But I guess as a concept patch it's not hard to understand, even if
the implementation needs a bit of tweaking.

Cyrill Gorcunov
2016-09-17 09:10:02 UTC
do_just_once just isn't a good name for a global
rate limited mechanism that does something very
different than the name.
Maybe allow_once_per_ratelimit or the like
There could be an equivalent do_once
What about this printk_reriodic() and pr_warn_once_per_minute()?
It simply remembers next jiffies to print rather than using that
complicated ratelimiting engine.
+#define printk_periodic(period, fmt, ...) \
+({ \
+ static unsigned long __print_next __read_mostly = INITIAL_JIFFIES; \
+ bool __do_print = time_after_eq(jiffies, __print_next); \
+ \
+ if (__do_print) { \
+ __print_next = jiffies + (period); \
+ printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } \
+ unlikely(__do_print); \

Seems I don't understand the bottom unlikely...
Konstantin Khlebnikov
2016-09-17 12:09:24 UTC
Post by Cyrill Gorcunov
do_just_once just isn't a good name for a global
rate limited mechanism that does something very
different than the name.
Maybe allow_once_per_ratelimit or the like
There could be an equivalent do_once
What about this printk_reriodic() and pr_warn_once_per_minute()?
It simply remembers next jiffies to print rather than using that
complicated ratelimiting engine.
+#define printk_periodic(period, fmt, ...) \
+({ \
+ static unsigned long __print_next __read_mostly = INITIAL_JIFFIES; \
+ bool __do_print = time_after_eq(jiffies, __print_next); \
+ \
+ if (__do_print) { \
+ __print_next = jiffies + (period); \
+ printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } \
+ unlikely(__do_print); \
Seems I don't understand the bottom unlikely...
This is gcc extrension: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Statement-Exprs.html
Here macro works as a function which returns bool

After second though macro should update __print_next if it's too far
if first warning happens too late here will long period of silence
untill next jiffies overlap.

something like

#define printk_periodic(period, fmt, ...)
static unsigned long __print_next = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
unsigned long __print_jiffies = jiffies;
bool __do_print = time_after_eq(__print_jiffies, __print_next);

if (__do_print) {
__print_next = __print_jiffies + (period);
printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);
} else if (time_after(__print_next, __print_jiffies + (period))
__print_next = __print_jiffies + (period);
Cyrill Gorcunov
2016-09-17 12:20:46 UTC
Post by Konstantin Khlebnikov
Post by Cyrill Gorcunov
Seems I don't understand the bottom unlikely...
This is gcc extrension: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Statement-Exprs.html
Here macro works as a function which returns bool
no, no, I know for what unlikely extension stand for.
it was just hard to obtain from without the context.
this extension implies someone calls for
if (printk_periodic()) right?
Joe Perches
2016-09-17 21:52:51 UTC
Post by Cyrill Gorcunov
#define printk_periodic(period, fmt, ...)
  static unsigned long __prev __read_mostly = INITIAL_JIFFIES - (period);
  unsigned long __now = jiffies;
  bool __print = !time_in_range_open(__now, __prev, __prev + (period));
  if (__print) {
  __prev = __now;
  printk(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);
printk_periodic reads like a thing that would create a
thread to printk a message every period.

And trivially, period should be copied to a temporary
and not be reused (use your choice of # of underscores)

unsigned long _period = period;
unsigned long _now = now;
static unsigned long _prev __read_mostly = etc...
Dan Wilcox
2021-07-16 03:50:17 UTC
Post by Linus Torvalds
Post by Laura Abbott
Fedora received a bug report[1] after pushing 4.7.2 that named
was segfaulting with named-chroot. With some help (thank you
tibbs!), it was noted that on older kernels named was spitting
mmap: named (671): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 23068672.
Will be forbidden soon.
and with f4fcd55841fc ("mm: enable RLIMIT_DATA by default with
workaround for valgrind") it now spits out
mmap: named (593): VmData 27566080 exceed data ulimit 20971520.
Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.
Ok, we can certainly revert, but before we do that I'd like to
understand a few more things.
For example, where the data limit came from, and how likely this is to
hit others that have a much harder time fixing it. Adding Sam
Varshavchik and Brent to the participants list...
In particular, this is clearly trivially fixable as noted by Brent in
'remove the "datasize 20M;" directive in named.conf'
along with the (much worse) option of "use boot option
ignore_rlimit_data" that the kernel dmesg itself suggests as an
So for example, if that "datasize 20M;" is coming from just the Fedora
named package, it would be much nicer to just get that fixed instead.
Because RLIMIT_DATA the old way was just meaningless noise.
We definitely don't want to break peoples existing setups, but as this
is *so* easy to fix in other ways (even at runtime without even
updating a kernel), and since this commit is already four months old
by now with this single bugzilla being the only report since then that
I'm aware of, my reaction is just that there are better ways to fix it
than reverting a commit that can be worked around trivially.
We are using a new July 2021 kernel on an Amazon AWS Linux server, and we are experiencing this same error you all are talking about in this thread:
mmap: htmlos.cgi (14349): VmData 20000768 exceed data ulimit 20000000. Update limits or use boot option ignore_rlimit_data.

I read everything in the thread, but nowhere do I see mention of the fix. What is the fix? :-)

Specifically, it's our htmlos.cgi processes that ALL receive this error. And in our situation all our major processes powering our various websites are htmlos.cgi, so a fix is crucial.

Any advice is appreciated. I am not a Linux guru, but I have SSH access, can get around, and when I cannot I employ someone who can. So if you give me a fix, it would be awesome if you walked me thru it slowly with the various commands.

Thank you very much.

Dan W.
